About Wonthaggi North

Our School

Wonthaggi North Primary School was established in 1912. With such a long history it is no surprise that generations of families have attended and continue to attend our school.

Centenary celebrations occurred in 2012 highlighting how much change occurred through that time but also how much remains the same. Children are the same, inquisitive, questioning, wanting to learn. The importance of a supportive school community is also the same and something we are very proud to have.

Our school facilities have continued to be updated and added to as our population has grown, with a new school built in 1980. This included a full size gymnasium. Classrooms have been added and modifications have taken place over the past 31 years. And in 2011 a new school oval was established and the senior school building was completed.

Today the school facilities have extended to offer a play group room and significant updates in technology including, interactive screens, increased access to devices including laptops and tablets and teleconference facilities.

At Wonthaggi North Primary School we know that facilities play a very small role in what makes a school. It is the people that make a school what it is and our school community is worth more than any facility.


Our Staff

Our Values

Wonthaggi North Primary School - Vision Statement


At Wonthaggi North Primary School we believe that every student is an individual who is capable of success. Our staff and school community value positive and meaningful relationships, allowing us to engage our students in learning experiences that reflect their passion, interests and abilities.

Our knowledge and thirst for learning drives the structure of our curriculum and learning environments. Staff create learning spaces that cater to the individual needs of our students, a place where students feel safe, secure, valued and supported. A place they want to be. We are committed to learning beyond the walls of our classrooms with access to sensory and outdoor learning spaces.

We provide workshop models for both reading and writing. These workshop models allow students to be independent learners, taking both responsibility and accountability for their learning. Our curriculum is strong and engaging as teachers use their knowledge of the students to plan lessons that are organised to meet student needs. Each student is encouraged to take risks as they engage and progress through their learning journey.

Our students have a voice that is heard and valued. We pride ourselves on acting upon student suggestion whilst providing them with what they need to become life-long learners. Our priority is to make learning purposeful. We believe that this is achieved through providing students with the knowledge, skills and dispositions for learning, which become strategies that they need and use in their everyday lives.

We teach students to seek, accept and develop based on feedback. We aim for all feedback to be constructive, respectful, supportive and purposeful. Our students are aware of the power of their voice and develop resilience throughout their learning journey with us.

Our success is underpinned by the fact we teach more than just the curriculum. We empower our students to have pride and respect for themselves, others and the environment. We teach our students to have empathy and compassion by being strong role models. We believe in our students and support them through their learning journey, from first challenge to final outcome.

Respect, Resilience, Community, Challenge & Explore


Our Mission

Wonthaggi North Primary School will provide high quality and innovative educational services in a safe and supportive school environment.